Share Zenchef,
get rewarded

What’s in it for you?

You can choose one of the following rewards:

  • One month free off your subscription
  • An Amazon gift card worth €100
  • A pack of 12 professional photos worth €200
  • A tablet after 4 referrals won

What will the referred restaurant receive?

  • One month free off the chosen subscription

How does it work?

  1. Fill the form with the requested information about the restaurants that you would like to refer
  2. We will contact the referred restaurants by mentioning you
  3. If any of these restaurants starts working with ZenchefOS, we will reach out to you to select your preferred reward


How many restaurants can I refer?

There’s no limit to how many restaurants you can refer. Use your rewards as you wish, and if you referred four restaurants you can receive a tablet if they start working with ZenchefOS.

When will I get my reward?

The reward is activated when the referred restaurant signs with Zenchef. Once signed, we’ll send you an email to let you know about the successful referral and that you can pick your preferred reward.

Does the free month apply to all subscriptions?

Yes. It doesn’t matter which Formitable plan you have, we’ll waive one upcoming invoice.